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Testimonial with Image

The Testimonial with Image component features a clean and structured layout, combining a photograph of the individual, their testimonial text, and their name and title.

UI Preview

Testimonial with Image - Web (Light)

TestimonialWithImage comes with a hasColor prop which determines wheather the testimonial has a background color. It is False by default.

Testimonial with Image coloured

Testimonial with Image Coloured - Web (Light)


To use the TestimonialWithImage component, import it and provide it with the necessary testimonialData. Here is a basic example:

import React from "react";
import { TestimonialWithImage } from "@app-launch-kit/components/custom/testimonials/TestimonialWithImage";
import testimonialData from "@app-launch-kit/utils/constants/testimonialWithImage";
export const TestimonialWithImageBasic = () => {
return <TestimonialWithImage {...testimonialData} />;