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Creating Custom Components


  • All the components used are from gluestack-ui. We have used nativewind for styling, as it gives us a simple and same method of styling components for web and native both.

  • All the components are in packages/components folder and divider further by primitives and custom folders.

  • If you want to create your own components, you can create some by either using other already made custom or primitives components, or creating new products by using nativewind directly. You can read more about it here.

  • If you are creating your own component, put those in the packages/components/custom/<component-name>.

  • Create an index.tsx file and export it from there.

  • You can use these components in both Next.JS and Expo using the alias @app-launch-kit/components/custom/<component-name> directly.

For more information regarding nativewind or gluestack-ui. Follow these docs :