The initialization Module is used to initialize the project’s service providers i.e. supabase, firebase, restAPI, etc.
The project supports the following service providers:
- Supabase: A powerful backend-as-a-service (BaaS) solution.
- Firebase: A comprehensive platform for building mobile and web applications.
- RestAPI: A simple RESTful API for your application.
Each Module using any of the above providers will require to initialize the provider in the initialization module.
For Supabase/Firebase, the Firebase/Supabase client is initialized in the frontend/packages/modules/init/<provider-name>/<provider-name>Client.ts
For RestAPI, there is no need to initialize the client as the client/API is running when the express project runs.
Any other module that needs to use any of the above providers will have to import the provider client from the initialization module, and any other functions/hooks/utils from the initialization module.